Server Virtualization

Server Virtualization

How are some smart small businesses improving computing power, going green, and saving money at the same time?


Server Virtualization allows businesses to repurpose their information technology (IT) infrastructure rapidly, if necessary, to provide greater up-time, higher fault tolerance and improved operational continuity in the event of a disaster or failure.

In addition, it cuts IT energy consumption by 75% and boosts efficiency ten-fold. Very green.

How it works

Small Business seeking growth without bloat can reduce capital costs by hosting multiple virtual machines on one physical server.

Server virtualization turns that server into many servers at a fraction of the cost, resulting in a dramatic boost in efficiency and productivity while simultaneously reducing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

How we do it

Most servers use only a small fraction of their overall processing capability. When we do a Server Virtualization we introduce a transparent layer that overlays the physical hardware, separating the physical from the logical. This software layer is capable of subdividing a single server into multiple separate containers called virtual machines (VM’s). We therefore allow the hardware resources of one physical server to be shared between multiple virtual machines, each functioning independently and capable of running its own operating system (OS) and applications. Processing power and computing resources are pooled and shared between virtual machines increasing efficiency and maximizing server utilization.

Using server virtualization, the number of servers is reduced, computing resources are freed up and less physical space is required for server hardware in the data center. Dissimilar server platforms (Windows, Linux, etc.) can easily be hosted on the same physical device. Virtualization can cut down on the power needed to operate, cool and maintain equipment by as much as 75% and multiply efficiency ten-fold. Gone are the days of the overcrowded data center and the burdensome energy requirements to power and cool multiple server platforms.


1. Physical consolidation

  • Improve and maximize hardware utilization, most servers generally utilize only 15% to 25% of their capacity.
  • Boost hardware utilization up to 80%.
  • Increase Efficiency — Virtualized servers allow you to do more with less, allowing a decrease in physical devices.
  • Consolidate workloads onto fewer highly scalable and reliable enterprise class servers

2. Reduce TCO

  • Make physical server hardware more efficient
  • Reduce electrical costs for cooling and server power consumption
  • Reduce datacenter physical footprint
  • Ensure resources are appropriately sized and used
  • Support and enhance business processes
  • Speed server provisioning
  • Extend the life of older applications
  • Expand at lower cost

3. Server Management

  • Ease management and reduce operational costs by moving to a standardized platform.
  • Increase business agility by moving to dynamic platform.
  • Run multiple dissimilar server platforms (Windows, Linux, etc.)
  • Increase flexibility as different OS environments can be created quickly.
  • Increase uptime
  • Improve disaster recovery
  • Isolate applications

4. Resources optimization —appropriately sized and used

  • Support and enhance business processes
  • Maximize hardware utilization

5. Reduce IT complexity and management

  • Decouple workloads from hardware
  • Provision workloads rapidly
  • Provide dynamic scale up solutions
  • Ease scale out solutions
  • Simplify and automate the design, deployment, and operation of complex systems

6. Going Green

  • Reduce their carbon footprint with a solution that is beneficial for business and the environment.
  • Join the cloud, whether private or public or somewhere in between.

Please contact us or call (630) 430-8090 to speak to a representative about your business technology needs.


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